What is Akamai Netsession Client and Is it safe to remove it?

akamai netsession

When it comes to browsing the internet, many websites time out due to slow loading speeds and congestion. However, content delivery networks (CDN) like Akamai come with accelerated content delivery abilities that tackle this challenge. Akamai Netsession is one of the client applications used by Akamai’s CDN services to optimize internet content delivery. In this article, we will look at the Akamai Netsession Client in detail, its role in CDN, and answer the question of whether it is safe to remove it.

What is Akamai Netsession Client?

This Netsession Client is a downloadable client application of the Akamai content delivery network (CDN), which facilitates the delivery of large files and software updates. The application helps to accelerate the delivery of content from the Akamai content delivery network. The application gets installed on the user’s computer when they download software or multimedia content, which uses Akamai. It delivers this content through a P2P system, which means that it uses computer resources to speed up the downloading process. 

The application is available for free, and it automatically installs on your device without prompting for permission. It’s worth noting that the application isn’t malware and doesn’t carry viruses or malicious software. Instead, it boosts the download speed by making use of network resources available on your device.

What is the Role of Akamai Netsession Client in CDN?

As mentioned earlier, This Netsession Client’s primary role is to optimize the content delivery system and accelerate the downloading process. It’s a P2P system, which implies that it uses the network resources on your device to send and receive the data needed for downloads. By doing so, the Akamai content delivery network can conserve its servers’ resources, which promptly enhances the performance and speeds up downloads. The CDN hosts and distributes content online so that web pages, games, software, and other multimedia files arrive at their intended destination faster. 

Moreover, Akamai’s CDN system uses a globally distributed network of servers to direct the “Internet traffic” more efficiently, making the Internet more efficient and faster. Akamai’s network is an intelligent system that “learns” how to send content to users by automatically selecting the best delivery path and server to use based on the current internet environment. The Akamai Netsession Client enhances the data delivery process from Akamai’s content delivery network, ensuring efficiency and speed.

Is it Safe to Remove the Akamai Netsession Client from the Device?

Once the Akamai Netsession Client gets installed, it consumes some of your device’s resources. The application runs in the background, periodically hogging up system resources, increasing boot times, and even slowing down the system at times. But when it comes to removing it, it entirely boils down to the user’s discretion.

It’s worth mentioning that deleting Netsession Client will not affect the downloaded files or applications’ content. Moreover, if you’re not going to download files hosted on the Akamai servers, Netsession Client doesn’t provide any benefit and will only consume resources. Therefore, the application is safe to remove if you don’t frequently download large files.

To remove the Akamai Netsession Client from Windows:

1. Click on the Start button

2. Go to the Control Panel

3. Select Programs and Features

4. Locate the Akamai Netsession Interface

5. Right-click on it and select Uninstall

6. Follow on-screen instructions to remove the application.

To remove Akamai Netsession Client from Mac:

1. Go to the Applications folder

2. Locate the Akamai NetSession Interface

3. Right-click and select Move to Trash.

Akamai Netsession Client is safe to remove from your device if it doesn’t provide any benefit or integration with other applications that demand it. Removing it will free up some system resources and increase boot times while still enabling you to browse the internet without any significant effects. 


Akamai Netsession plays a crucial role in accelerating content delivery on the internet. Akamai is a recognized CDN dedicated to delivering fast and efficient content across the internet. The Netsession Client is a free application that speeds up downloads by using the device’s available network resources. While it may consume some resources, the application doesn’t pose any threat to your device or personal information. The decision to remove it is discretionary and should be solely based on usage and personal preference.

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Andrew is a professional writer with 7+ Years of experience. His style and uniqueness inspire and educate readers throughout the world.

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About the Author: dssiteadmin

Andrew is a professional writer with 7+ Years of experience. His style and uniqueness inspire and educate readers throughout the world.

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