If you’re trying to send a message to someone on YouTube, you may run into a slight problem. YouTube isn’t really a messaging platform, so there’s no direct way to send someone a message unless you add them as a friend. If you’re trying to send a “YouTuber” a message, you’ll have a really hard time doing so.
You can’t send the YouTuber you wish to talk to a direct message, but don’t worry, there are ways around that. There are several other ways to send a YouTuber a message. At first, YouTube did let you send messages directly to them, but that feature was removed some time ago, but there are a few ways to message them.
In this article, we’ll help you figure out “How to Message Someone on YouTube?”.
What is YouTube?
YouTube is a platform where people can share their videos, and if they get enough views, they can even earn money from the platform. People who don’t upload videos use it to watch videos of their favorite YouTubers or just a video they find interesting. Currently, the YouTuber with the most subscribers is PewDiePie, and YouTube currently has over a billion monthly active users.
You can find videos on almost every topic, and the most-watched videos on the platform are related to gaming or information. Vines used to be a huge part of the platform, but they’re old school now, so no one uploads them any longer. People also use YouTube for their studies as there are people on the platform that upload videos related to schoolwork/education.
There are millions of YouTubers on the platform with over millions of subscribers, so sometimes people try to contact them for personal reasons. YouTuber contains a filter you can use to sort your result results to what you prefer to see.
As for sending private messages to someone on YouTube, that feature was removed back in July 2018, and as of now, to send a direct message to someone, you must first add them as a friend. But there are other ways to send messages to someone on YouTube. They’re not that complicated to do, so you won’t have a hard time figuring it out.
How to Message Someone on YouTube?
While you can’t send direct messages to someone, you can use the following methods to do just that:
- Send Business Inquiry Email on YouTube.
- Contact the YouTuber on Social Networking Websites.
- Visit the YouTuber’s website or blog.
#1: Send Business Inquiry Email on YouTube
Although YouTube removed the feature to send direct messages to someone on YouTube unless they’re in your friends’ list, it still provides a few indirect ways to message someone privately. YouTubers can receive business and sponsor inquiries via their business inquiry email listed on their About Section on their channel.
For this method to work, the person you’re trying to message needs to provide an e-mail in the “Business E-mail ID” section, and it’s only visible to people accessing YouTube through a Windows device or a Mac. It won’t work if you try to locate the e-mail through the YouTube app on your mobile device.
So to send someone a message, you’ll have to go to their channel and contact them on their business inquiry e-mail found on their about section as shown in the image below.
#2: Contact the YouTuber on Social Networking Websites
The method above is for business inquiries, so the person you’re messaging may not respond to your message if it isn’t related to that. But there is another method specifically to message someone privately. You can use other Social Media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to contact the YouTuber.
You can send them a direct message on Instagram or Facebook, or tweet at them through twitter by mentioning their UserName. 9 times out of 10 YouTubers provide their social media links on YouTube and you find them in the Descriptions section of their videos. Or you could search their name on any of the social media platforms.
#3: Visit the YouTuber’s website or blog.
If the YouTuber you’re trying to message is famous enough, they’re likely to have a website of their own or a blog you could contact them through. Like every website, their websites feature a “Contact Us” option. Simply click on that, and you’ll find the contact info that you can use to send them a direct message.
People Enjoy YouTube a lot, and almost everyone prefers watching videos on the platform rather than reading texts or looking at an image. It’s used by almost everyone in the world, and there are numerous YouTubers with over millions of subscribers. YouTubers will post hints of what they’re planning to upload next on their channels, and to know about their “plans” early, you’ll have to follow them on their social media platforms.
As we mentioned above, contacting them isn’t as difficult as one may think, you just need to be aware of how to do it. If we’ve missed any methods in this article about How to Message Someone on YouTube? Please do mention them in the comments section.
If you have any further queries or would like to add something to this article, feel free to comment down below, and we’ll try to respond to as many as we can!
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